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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Goodbye 2012. Hello 2013.

Time flies. I cannot believe 2012 is ending tomorrow. Looking back to 2012, I am asking myself, what have I achieved, what have I learn, what mistakes have I made... ...
Living by my roster from month to month, just 12 rosters and it means the year it over. I am very thankful and blessed to have my current job. It is tiring nevertheless, all the different timezones I am zipping through in a matter of hours. The non stop demanding requests from unappreciative and rude passengers. The relationships with your superiors you have to manage. But I have survived through all that. I cannot believe that I have yet to quit flying. Although this option is always at the back of my head.
With a new year, I welcome all the challenges that I will face. I can't wait to meet all the new people and friends that I will meet. I can't wait to see how much I can grow.
On a lighter note, I have been ignoring my space here! All thanks to Instagram. I have included a hyperlink to my account on Instagram if any of you are interested. I hate to admit that Instagram is so much more convenient to update on the go!
Thank you for reading and I wish everyone a Happy New Year and may the new year bring more opportunities and pleasant surprises!

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full of love♡, passionate about life, little girl at heart♡, unrealistic at times cos I dream too much. Find me here ♥tumblr ♥facebook ♥poupee
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