Thursday blueee
I am sure my dad suffers from OPCD.
Just this morning, I could not find my postcards. I had placed them on the dining table last night, and it was gone this morning.
He is obsessed with everything at home.
He does not want my mum to do the dishes, to clean the house.
He thinks that it will not be done up to his standards. My mum would have gladly allow this.
But my dad actually does it worst compared to my mum. Or me!
He uses the same mop for the floor to clean the coffee table. !!!
He even needs to arrange my stuffs in my room, moving them from the dresser to the cupboard.
My brother and me are constantly searching for our stuffs at home.
The worst is, he even throws them away without asking us.
I specifically told him not to do my laundry but he does it anyway.
Resulting in my white tops being stained, my size XS tops into XL, or my favorite tops going out of shape.
It may sound funny. But living with someone like that is crazy.
My mom also likes to throw away my things without asking me. She would throw away clothes that 'I have not been wearing for a while'. ^^; It can be so frustrating but at the same time I can't be angry at my mother...
♥ Milk
Haha. I think I sounded like an unfilial daughter in the post!
Yea... I hope I don't get his genes and do the same to my children in the future!
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